Project Details

  • Category: Music Video
  • Client: Robot Monster
  • Project date: June 2021
  • Project URL: Unreleased

Robot Monster

In 2021, I got pulled into a music video project for a band called "Robot Monster." I honestly can’t remember who recommended me, but next thing I knew, I was filming. While I wasn’t involved in creating the concept or editing the final cut, I handled the filmwork — some with my DSLR, some with a drone.

The concept of the office scenes — complete with a Kool-Aid-filled coffee pot and surreal corporate chaos — wasn’t mine, but I thought it was bold and visually striking. Apparently, someone in Nashville didn’t agree. Their manager told me it was deemed “too MTV” and didn’t fit the band’s brand. Personally, I thought leaning into that retro, rebellious vibe was the whole point.

We also shot some gritty warehouse scenes that never saw the light of day. It was pouring rain when we got there — the kind of downpour you’d pay big money to fake on a high-budget shoot. We called it the “Mother Nature Discount” and made it work.

Unfortunately, the entire project was shelved for not being “on brand.” Still, I stand by the work we put into it — raw, chaotic, and unapologetically offbeat. Exactly what a punk rock video should be.