You can Write this section.
You know lots about bands and how to use a computer
Subject Music
Include in that email the following information:
1. Your name
2. Previous work
3. A paragraph describing your vision
As Music Editor:
1. You get free passes to a bunch of shows to film.
2. If that weren't enough, you also get to collect any and all advertising dollars
that you collect in the music section, as thanks for keeping it updated - which
is real work and requires weekly maintainance.
Tricky Parts
You can be in a band, but you can't do more to promote your own music
than for others.
You can only advertise in the spaces that have been designated
by placeholders, but you'll be in charge for how those payments
are collected, filing it on your taxes, and all of that good stuff.
Disorganization or disarray of the section will result in dismissal,
where creative use and innovation will probably get you better
value for your advertisements.