

Animated Spaceship. original drawing consisted of a 16x16 grid. all sequence drawings hand-made, and visible in sequence on the "Aether Sequences" graphic. The earthship, yet another spaceship for the project, is seen in "SourceScreen" file (see below).


StereoAIM. instant message graphics need to be a certain size in order for the messaging software to accept it. it helps that it's a small graphic. Weird, though.


LowBeam. inspired by the name of a band, the lowbeam is a sonic pulse. it is fired from the arsenal of one of the various spaceships in the aether conceptual. radical, right?


SourceScreen. way back last decade, most games had these kinds of graphic files that could be accessed and modified. in this one, it explains what i'm doing graphically with each animation. This isn't just a graphical example. It's the framework that is extracted and sequenced. Being able to see every frame in the animation helps keep it continuous. Copying, pasting and then modifying is a common practice. When things are this small, every single block of bitmap matters.




Hondautobot. Since it's such a great car company, it's likely they're gonna make robots someday. Might as well help them design a logo for their automated robot company.

Boombox. All typographic characters are subject to the power of the bitmap.

Exit. this was SUCH a painstaking endeavor. sequencing the movement of every single bitmap block was hand-done using a mousepad. i wonder where the sourcefile is for this. Hit refresh on the page to see it move, if you haven't yet.