Jon Anderson at Edgewood Park, in 70°
weather 1/5/07

New Weather
Expected to be warm

Recordbreaking warmth in 2006, as well as on a particular friday in a recent January has left some people short of sleeves.

Constipated monkeys like Al Gore claim that the new weather patterns are a result of carbon emissions that have been increasing with the use of fossil fuels over the last two centuries, with remarkable increases over the past couple decades.

Edgewood park Basketball Court, 1/5/07

His movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" points out a few statistics that are of use to the world as a whole.

While warm weather is more inviting the rest of us New Englanders, it spells disaster for the 20 feet of coastline around the globe which is projected to be lost when the ice melts around Greenland and the Arctic Sea.

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