Yale University.
Often, in late May, a good find can be seen in the various locations throughout town. In the picture to the left, a man examines a book shelf inconspicuously placed next to a series of newspaper stands. Same size and shape, sort of.



The greatness of "trash season" as it is referred to by locals, can be seen simply by peering over one of the many dumpsters located throughout the Yale campus.

Occasionally a good find is uncovered, but a vast majority of the material is garbage.
Someone left behind their cranberry oatmeal cookies, which were shipped to them probably by their parents some time in april.
This kid found a cardboard sign made for christmas lights which says, "feliz"

It's very likely that elsewhere in the dumpster, there may have been a similar piece of cardboard that said "navidad"
This piece of wood contained a number of weird religious rants, including parts which say "killed jesus" and another part that said "kill jews" but since none of these statements are completely visible or intelligible, it's difficult to determine the meaning of any of them.

This traffic cone does make perfect sense, however. hmm..


What's the best thing you dumpstered?
Email me and we'll post it!


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