Town Of New Haven Dot Org started in April of 2005. It began as a way for me to transfer my camcorder material onto the web, and i was coming across alot of interesting material in everyday life. So I transfered the images from my camcorder into stillframes, writing articles about the various subject matters that I came across. The articles are simplistic and I don't proofread any of it, mostly due to time restraints. Since the beginning, this site has been a monthly periodical, with different songs, videos, articles, and images every month. It's more like an online magazine about local culture.

Video Clips 2005-2006
quicktime format. right click to save.

Feb 2007 [video page]
nightmare (titanium joe's comes crashing down)
academy session (airs collection)

January 2007 [video page]
king tubby on vinyl (scratch maneuvers)

Nov 2006 [video page]
who did that? (starring william shagalockus)
flipbook archives (multiple videos)

Nov 2006 [video page]
who did that? (starring william shagalockus)
flipbook archives (multiple videos)

Oct 2006 [video page]
boolas (yalies run amok in conga line)
durham fair (rabbit noses are funny)
(kyle from cutlers tells a story)

Sept 2006 [video page]

Jon Anderson (skate session on halfpipe at edgewood)

wec? statistics about this site. new haven mag farmers market graffiti menace schoolers skatey lesson toads maccu pichu exhibit rad cool dude skater what's it about? buildings! fire trucks! new skate park in new haven. Aug 2006 [video page]
expedition (take a walk through beacon falls)

July 2006 [video page]
crowd surfing (method man from wu tang clan)

Jun 2006 [video page]

May 2006 [video page]
method man (method man at toads place)

Apr 2006 [video page]
the usual (a koffeeshop joke)
judd on sartre (this is your brain on Sartre)

Mar 2006 [video page]
st. patricks day (parade clips from web article)
napkins (rob of ennui talks about washing windows)
the usual (a koffeeshop joke)
judd on sartre (this is your brain on Sartre)
the bridge (an art show)
wu tang clan (8 remaining members visit York Street)
a bike wheel (take a walk on the new haven train tracks)

Feb 2006 [video page]
silas finch (skateboarder and artist extraordinare)
crash (things that smashed one morning)
killer air guitar (james conrad plays some air guitar)
music lover (a guy outside of cutlers talks about music)

Jan 2006 [video page]
bookmarks (a guy talks about his gripes with bookmarks)

Dec 2005 [video page]
lliquidation (use your imationation to get liquidation)
abp trash (sketchy mike's favorite dumpster)
ucer heckler (some kid at a day one event. booska!)

Nov 2005 [video page]
buju protest (bakery lady protests the protestors)

coliseum (before they started dismantling it)
enter level one (a concept for my phiction game)
g unit (Lloyd Banks' whole crew at Todes Place)
josh cwos freestyle (citywide open studios 2005)
kaeron (skateboarding the NH Fed Building!)
just skate (josh wallride)
little pony (josh's air to footplant back to transition)

Oct 2005 [video page]
flowers (for one dollar, my friend.)

playin cards (tip jar versus spange)

Sept 2005 [video page]
sil on piece (a legal wall on whalley)

kids on bikes (storm troopers versus youth)
naacp versus peta (animals for the ethics of people)
paranormal keets (unusual parakeets in edgewood park)
gloria mundi (wally talks about the york square cinema)

Aug 2005 [video page]
erik surfing (narragansett footage)

erik blurfing (blundering footage)
ethan skating (casper on a ramp, almost)
kev trick (a little tail stall is all)

July 2005 [video page]
rope swinging (july 4th, renata from miyas.)

skate tricks (ian applegate)
kev flips (some kind of casper flip out on broadway)
matisyahu (playing toads place.)
brian on guitar (a lazy afternoon at ashleys ice cream)
whats goin on (some panhandlers and buskers)
new jimi poem (buddy youngblood's street poetry)

Jun 2005 [video page]
graph jam 1 (breakdancing)
graph jam 2 (more breakdancing)

May 2005 [all]

celphones (a perspective on culture)
celphones 2 (more perspective)

Apr 2005 [all]

bird car accident (gets up afterwards, i assure you.)
die like the rest (liquidation man gets poetic on ya)
the usual (abram at the salvation army)
vet man (pocketfulla change, used in this song)

all videos done with Sony HCR DC30 © town of new haven