Large Language Model Implementation in Coding and Design

Now that ChatGPT is advancing, I've been utilizing my foundational web programming understanding to take things to the next level. Here are a few of the cooler projects that I've developed with Large Language Models (LLM) particularly Chat GPT 4.o; a basic summary of the experience is that it's practically unlimited. We're now able, even with just a slight understanding of how computer code syntax and language, to have Artificial Intelligence produce code that would normally take hours to produce, even by an experienced coder. While to some, that may seem as though many will be out of work in a matter of months, it actually provides a springboard for people who are willing and able to use it. Integrating our work flow into artificial intelligence is going to be integral in the future, and those who learn how to communicate with it will be able to impliment their own workflows. It can be utilized to enhance creativity, but only by removing the tedious monotonous tasks from everyday life.

Music Player

  • Description: Online music player
  • Software: HTML, CSS, and Javascript with ChatGPT Assistance
  • Test Location: Music Player 2
  • Transcript: Located Here
I collaborated with ChatGPT to create a custom music player on my server which plays music in a designated folder. It was customized to have a certain aesthetic look, practical functionality, and a cool looking visualizer.

AI Generated MIDI Files

  • Description: Music production technique using AI prompts to generate unique songs.
  • Software: Python, MIDI and Reason with ChatGPT Assistance
  • Transcript: Located Here
I asked ChatGPT to produce .MIDI files that I could import into Reason, given a few parameters of what I would like to hear. ChatGPT could not simply give me .MIDI files though. It gave me Apache code and instructions on how to create the MIDI file through Terminal.