Social Media Network Services

A message about Facebook


A facebook page is no subsitute for an acutal website.


1. Facebook is a dump of information where your posts can easily get lost.
2. Facebook also buries peoples' posts if they're not paying for some promotion.
3. Posting directly to Facebook means nothing to your businesses' public visibility.
4. People who see your FB posts are likely already your friends.


1. Integrate other services to automatically post to Facebook for you.
2. Set up a Facebook "Like" Page to auto-post to as well.
3. You might want to check it for response content occasionally.
4. Avoid making public announcements on FB. Post to your site directly, and it will be automatically posted onto Facebook for you. That way, it routes people to your actual website, so they have to visit your page to obtain the information.

[4] has proven effective at increasing traffic to web sites, by steering people out of Fb.


Integration of services allows for all of the following to be linked automatically to Facebook:


Example (Above): A soundcloud posts to the blog, and to Facebook automatically (twice at 2 different times).


All the hints for this are listed in "Strategy"
For integration, click "yes" to "Integrated Services"

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