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Aphex Twin.

Stereo-One writes:

Aphex Twin is the guy that all these art school weirdos look up to as the kind of successful hero they wish themselves to be. Too busy admiring fellow mortals, most fail to see that the success is in the label. Acknowledging the local beatmakers in my area that i have come across, Aphex scores among them, with an occasional track that really stands out from the rest of the crowd.

Aphex does have some huge throwdowns. Analogue Bubblebath is the kind of track that might bave been played at raves, but if you've ever noticed how obscure the music at raves probably is, even a little Aphex might be too high profile, but i doubt it. I wonder if anyone ever played any fatboy slim at raves. Some of that stuff is just annoying. But aphex throws down. One track entitled "april 14" with april in francais is just him playing piano. A favorite track of the aphex is a song called IZ-US which is phenomenal.