What Grass? Wheat Grass!
Mark Beasley Murray
Local D.I.Y. hero and entreprenurial pioneer did sit upon the corner of York and Elm the other day, in an effort for what he described would be a means to send him back to his favorite place in the world: Brazil.
With an armament of a juicer, as well as a wheat grass grinder, his attempt was to profit from the work of squeezing juice out of tangerines, grapefruits, and oranges. Without a vendor's permit, his time may be limited but it did nothing to stop Mark, who was wearing gloves and showed no sign of unsanitary conditions. The juice is 2.25 for a cup, and the wheatgrass is 2.25 per shot.

The cause for the experiment in commerce was due to that "my teaching certification came back wrong," he said. "No more teaching bilingual 2nd grade education."

We'll keep you posted.